| I promised this safety page earlier. Don't be put off by the disclaimer that they haven't updated in a while and don't plan to. It still contains timely material. |
 | Every once in a while I have to check a word, and my dictionary is in a box somewhere in North Carolina. This one is always available. |
 | Now this is what the internet is all about; when you need to set your watch accurately, this is the place to go. |
 | Did you ever notice those annoying foreign language phrases that hip writers sprinkle through their text making you feel like some sort of clueless dork? Well, plug them in here to find out what they mean. Or put some funky English phrase in there and get the foreign equivalent to sprinkle in your own. n'est ce pas? |
 | There's a funny line circulating the internet that wonders “what ever happened to Preparation A through G?” Seriously, do you know how WD-40® got its name? Guess what? Find out here. |
 | I have a chart in my shop that I use a lot. It shows the correct size drill to use before tapping threads. Of course when I want to discuss it in e-mail, it's not in a convenient location, so I have to go to a web page to look it up. Try this one. |
 | Ever hear a story that gives you the willies but doesn't seem like it could have really happened? Do you have a friend who says they know someone who had something fantastic/awful/scary happen to them but it sounds too good/weird/improbable to be true? Check it out here. I used to link to urbanlegends.com but they're now 404. Snopes has been around for a long time, but I hope you're using Firefox, because they nail you with a popup. |
 | If I had to vote for the most useful page on the 'net (outside of search engines) the The Dead People Server would get mine. Someone famous that you can't remember if they tipped over or not? Check it here. Updated virtually daily. |
 | I ran across this site when I was navigating the Woodworker's Webring. This guy has hundreds of woodworking links. Surely the most comprehensive list on the 'net. No point in trying to duplicate it, just go there. |
 | If you want to make yourself tired (and I mean this in a nice way), take a look at John Lucas' exhaustive page. There are more how-to hints here than any other woodworking site on the net. I wish I could be this good. |
 | One of the biggest urban legends in woodworking is the myth that PVC ducts need to be grounded in order to prevent explosions. Read this article to learn the truth and some interesting facts. From a real MIT guy, too, but he says he's not a professor. He is a nice guy, though. |